Sunday, April 28, 2013


To whom it may concern:

This is an introduction to both you and I. I am new blogger but a seasoned analytical thinker. I have followed a few different blogs regarding a couple of different topics of interest to me. I have found blogging to be a great platform to reach out to individuals across the globe who not only share similar interest but who seek out other individuals who share those similar interest, the nuevo support group. In this respect, these topics of interest of mine which prompted me to create this blog are some that I  believe many individuals may share.

I am a 28 year old married mother of two. I'm a college graduate currently working on my masters in public administration. I am African American with a West Indian background. My husband is 32 years old and from Gambia, West Africa. We have one son together and we each have one child from previous relationships.  We are a relatively young couple and family. As with any young couple, married or unmarried, we face challenges. The specific combination of challenges that we face are challenges that I feel would be very beneficial to create a support group around. Many of the topics I will be posting in this blog will be related directly or indirectly to the challenges that I face a young mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter and soon to be professional.

My background, which shapes me greatly, is one that I also believe is not as unique as I would like to believe, therefore I am sure there are young women out here like myself who struggle with issues that are a result of that back ground. I was born in the mid 80's to a fifteen year old mother. The majority of my youth I spent in the "projects" so I was exposed to all that the late 80's and early 90's had to offer the inner city. Drugs, violence and degradation (I'm sure that I will delve into more specific detail as I blog). I struggle often with the consciousness and goals that I have thus far achieved and that "lifestyle" that many of the people I love still embrace. Some call it "ghetto fabulous"others call it  "the hood life". I am  dealing with the dichotomy that this presents for me and how I can better function within where I am currently and that "lifestyle". This is also a struggle for which I would love to see more support.  I hope that this blog will be able to offer that support.

An example of one the greatest issues that my relationship currently faces is the cultural dynamic that plays out when my background and my husbands culture come head to head. As the product of a strong, matriarchal family I am only just learning how to allow him as the man, to play the role of the man. To be less over bearing and over compensating as if I am a single parent. (the result of  having only single mothers as role models through out my life).

To sum things up, I would like for this blog to be a platform for the issues that face young individuals like myself. To be a support, a place to express thoughts freely and un-judged. It will be a journey and learning experience for myself so I will always be open to questions and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
